The kestrel's (2nd Earlies) are well on there way and looking healthy. I have to say that the weather extremes that the south west is experiencing now are playing right into our muddy hands as it seems to be pushing the growth of everything on site along at a major pace, but more of that later...
Just kidding. Like H says, the weather is a bit of a double edged sword at the moment. On the one hand the massive rain attack we've had over the last couple of weeks has given the vegetables enough Water - The Juice Of Life, Creation & Tasty Beverage Also (Tm) to give them a lovely kick in the ass but it means that we can't get up there to finish the 2nd carrot/spring onion bed and the runner bean bed/trench/swamp/whatever. I don't care. Deal with it.
(honkstival billing idea: "If the honkjazz djs could play funkyass house, electro, lovegroove, broken bat-deepstep then they'd probably do it between 12am and 2am.")(HW) Ok so back to the veg in hand or in the ground depending on where you're sat. The beautiful green shoots of life you can see are the wonderful Sturon onions. These little blighters have been exceeding all expectations by actually growing out of the ground!!

But there is one fear in my mind that keeps nagging and that is what we do if the onions get sick....

I jest but it's a real fear...... (I know it's a picture of a pumpkin but i like the image!)
Anyway the potatoes are going great guns and the onions are almost ready for eye watering (??!!) world domination.
And on a final note i must say that the Mixatron 8000 proved to be as Brazil said "Awesome" more to come on that subject....
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